Friday, July 13, 2007

ACL and SXSW - ACLフェスティバルとSXSW(サウス バイ サウスウェスト)

So Burton, you have mentioned the ACL Festival and SXSW several times in your blog. What are they? Those are 2 festivals in Austin every year? When are they?
僕のブログで、ACLフェスティバルとSXSW(サウス バイ サウスウェスト)を何度か紹介しているけれど、「いったい何だろう」と思っている人も多いはず。両方とも毎年オースティンで開催されるフェスティバルのこと。

ACL stands for the Austin City Limits Festival held every September in Austin. That one is on a weekend that doesn't involve a major football game for the Texas Longhorns. Approximately 150,000 people do attend the ACL festival and that would be too much for the city along with a game that would attract another 85,000 rabid football fans.
ACLは、Austin City Limits Festival(オースティン シティー リミット フェスティバル)の略で、開催は毎年9月。テキサス大学フットボールの大きな試合がある週末を避けて予定される。主要フットボールの試合にオースティンを訪れる観光客は、およそ8万5千人。対してACLフェスティバルには15万人の観光客が見込まれるため、街がパンクしないようにとの計らいだ。

The ACL Festival is unique in that it attracts about 130 bands every year. Around 30 of the bands are headliners and famous in most parts of the world. This festival is held outside and there are several stages. It is in a huge park that features soccer games on most other weekends. There is also a large spring fed pool in the park that is a great place to kick back and swim. Listening to the music and hanging out at the natual spring fed pool can be a very natural experience. Despite the crowds, and the heat, the festival is run very well and overall it is a comfortable experience. All of the food for sale at the festival is from local Austin restaurants and the drinks at the bars set up on the grounds also come from local distributors. It is truly an Austin event in every way. There is absolutely no parking anywhere near the festival so many people ride bicycles. Every year there are about 50,000 bicycles parked at the festival.

ACLフェスティバルに参加するバンドは、毎年約130。そのうち30組ほどが、世界的に超有名なバンドである。野外に会場が設けられ、いくつかのステージに分かれて演奏が行われる。週末にサッカーの試合が催される広大な公園がメイン会場だ。公園内には天然水があふれる大きなプールもあり、のんびりと泳いだりリラックスするのに最適。大自然の雰囲気もたっぷりと味わう事が出来る環境である。 フェスティバル会場は混雑しているし、ものすごい暑い。だけど、イベント自体は全体的に快適にすごせるよう、とても上手く運営されている。会場で販売されているフードは、すべてローカルのレストランによるもの。グラウンドの至る所に設置されたバーでは、地元自慢のドリンクも楽しめる。とにかく、どこからどこまでオースティンの魅力がたっぷりのお祭りなのだ。ただ、パーキングには注意が必要。会場付近には利用できる駐車場は、まったく無い。だから、多くの人は、自転車かバスを利用する。毎年、フェスティバルには約5万台の自転車が利用されると言われている。

The effort on keeping everyone comfortable even extends to personal cleanliness. I noticed last year that even though one is stuck using those portable toilets they are very clean. There is a hand cleaner in front of every toilet and they are restocked all weekend. One year it was dusty and since then the festival people have been careful to keep the grounds well watered to keep the dust down in the mornings before the festival begins. There are several cooling stations with misting areas around the festival grounds.

Overall the ACL Festival is a very postitive experience. Typically around 140,000 people enjoy this festival every year and everyone I have talked to had a great time and plans to be back the next year. I plan to be there every time.

SXSW, or South by Southwest, is also a wonderful experience. SXSW has 3 parts actually. There is a wonderful film festival that runs about 10 days. Over the last 10 years or so SXSW has also developed an interactive festival that features many of the latest high tech innovations in the world. And of course all of you here know about the music festival which runs about 5 days. The music festival features about 2000 bands every year from all over the world. At the last festival there were even 30 bands from Japan.
SXSW(サウス バイ サウスウェスト)も、ワンダフルな体験ができるお祭りである。SXSWの会場は、3箇所。1つは、約10日間の「フィルム フェスティバル」。2つ目は、世界最新のハイテク技術が集結する「コンピュータ フェスティバル」。最近10年ほど続いているイベントだ。そして、なんと言っても有名なのが「ミュージック フェスティバル」。開催期間5日間のこのイベントには、毎年世界各国からおよそ2,000組のバンドが参加する。ちなみに去年日本からの参加バンドは、なんと30組。

Most of the bands are the indie type bands that are desperate for that chance to be seen by some record promoter. Many of the top recording agency people are at SXSW every year looking for that special sound. There are parties daily all over Austin and it is even difficult to walk in some areas downtown because there are so many people. Those indies bands play at those parties and they are wild affairs. There are also major acts every year. Typically SXSW provides about 25 to 30 chances to see major acts and it's fun because they typically play at a small club and it is possible to talk with those people. The SXSW music festival feels like a serious party time for that entire week every year. SXSW is held every year in Austin during the major college spring break week so that those college students can make the festival.

So there it is. Those are the 2 big music festivals held in Austin every year. There will be more discussion about both of these in this blog. Stay tuned.

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